Welcome to the Beretta Bass Game Site

Thursday 31 July 2008

Just a quick post to mention that any updates to games that I make (including Beretta Bass) will be on a whole new site - www.rickyvuckovic.com, so head over there to check out the latest stuff that I'm working on.

The original Beretta Bass game can be found there, and soon the newest version of Beretta Bass will be available there too in the Games section.

So, once you've had a look around here, I strongly suggest you check out my new site for the latest stuff!

Wednesday 11 October 2006

Heh, 2 years since the last news update and I haven't really progressed anywhere with the game... sorry.

I have finally altered the game a bit so that it will let me progressively build the game up, and you only need to download the new bits whenever they are available. Not much in it at the moment, and the graphics aren't very polished (especially the driving bit), but... it's something for now ;)


(it comes in a ZIP file, and the start program there will need to download a couple more files once it begins)

Monday 16 August 2004

Man, it's been aaaages since a Beretta Bass update. Apart from life simply being very busy at the moment, I have also decided to remake Beretta Bass from scratch. I want to make it tons better and put in lots of cool game modes and improve the overall quality of the game.

You can still download the old version of the game here, especially since I'm not sure when the first bits of the new game will be available.

The whole website will be updated when the new game is available, so for now the screenshots section will be from the old version.

The characters section is still from the old version too, but all of these characters (and more) will appear in the new game.

Anyway, here are some early shots of the game so far:

Beretta Bass finally learns how to jump!
Very early graphics for the 3D driving levels
Better 3D cutscenes? Get the latest update from within the game itself

Still a while off until the first release, but you can still have fun with the old version until then.

Have fun :)

Ricky Vuckovic
AKA: Choinkees